
Below you will find links to articles on important topics pertaining to student health and well being, as well as tips for improving test taking skills and mitigating anxiety.

Links to Pertinent Videos

How To Make Stress Your Friend
Commonly Confused Words
What is Hyperbole?

How to Handle Social Media

Teach for Mastery, Not Test Scores


Snowplow Parenting


Kids Health: How Much Sleep Do I Need?
National Sleep Foundation: Teens and Sleep
New York Times: Hard Lesson in Sleep for Teenagers
PBS: Inside the Teenage Brain; Adolescents and Sleep


Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Physical Activity Facts
Peaceful Playgrounds Foundation: The Benefits of Physical Activity in Schools
SPARK: The Benefits of Physical Activity in School (Infographic)

Play/Free Time

The Atlantic: All Work and No Play: Why Your Kids Are More Anxious, Depressed
momsTEAM: Unstructured Free Play Important for Kids
University of New Hampshire: The psychological benefits of participation in leisure pursuits for adolescents

Life Skills

TED Talk: Sal Khan (Khan Academy): Let’s Teach for Mastery— Not Test Scores.
Huffington Post: 7 Life Skills They Won't Teach You in High School
U.S. News: 7 Essential Life Skills for High Schoolers to Build Before College
Psych Central: 7 Tips for Helping Your Child Manage Stress
Harnessing the Upsides of Stress

Math + Confidence

Private School Competition/ Stress

The Atlantic: High-Stress High School
New York Times: Why Can Some Kids Handle Pressure While Others Fall Apart?
New York University: NYU Study Examines Top High School Students' Stress and Coping Mechanisms

Avoiding Passing Our Anxiety to Our Kids

How to Avoid Passing Anxiety on to Your Kids

Kids and Body Image

Getting into College/Stress

New York Times: How Parents Are Robbing Their Children of Adulthood
The Baltimore Sun: Teens Under Stress in Top College Competition
Medical Daily: High School Students Are Stressed Out About College Admissions; the Reality of Burning Out Before College
Peterson's: Reducing Stress About College Admissions Requirements  

Test-Taking Anxiety Strategies

ETS: Reducing Test Anxiety
Study Guides and Strategies: Overcoming Test Anxiety
Test-Taking Anxiety: A guide on how to reduce anxiety while taking tests
Compass Education Group: The Neuroscience of Test Anxiety

The Pitfalls of Vocabulary Flash Cards

Pennington Publishing: Learn Vocabulary By Reading
Slate: Is This The End of Flashcards?
Reading to Learn Vocabulary

Teaching English: Learning Vocabulary Through Reading
The Guardian: Reading For Fun Improves Children's Brains, Study Confirms
Pennington Publishing: Learn Vocabulary From Independent Reading (PT II)

100 Words Every Middle Schooler Should Know

Reading with Students and Reading Aloud

Right Track Reading: The Importance of Guided Reading
Center for Teaching: What are the Benefits to Reading Aloud?